
Triple-filtration, or specifically triple-filtered kratom, refers to kratom that has been taken through THREE (3) stages of filtration, with each stage designed to remove specific contaminants and or fillers. The result is cleaner, safer, and higher quality kratom, which is also more potent.
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Kratom and Addiction: Is Kratom Addictive?
When you use kratom in its natural form, the likelihood of addiction is very minimal. However, the potential for benefits is very high.  When looking at the likelihood of abuse, the scientific mechanism of kratom’s alkaloids and the diminishing returns of higher quantities of use minimize the possibility of abuse.
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Best Kratom and Social Media: ETHA on Everything Kratom Podcast: 3-Part Series
ETHA is excited to yet again announce our collaboration with the Everything Kratom” Podcast. This time, a three-part common question series. Listen to the podcast to catch ETHA co-founders, Victor and Alexander, as they talk about kratom and answer common questions about this important, powerful and controversial botanical. 
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Best Kratom and Energy: Kratom and Clean Energy Explained
Kratom naturally produces nitrogen-based chemicals called alkaloids that can have pronounced physiological actions on humans.  Kratom tablets produces over 40 known alkaloids. Some of these alkaloids like mitragynine, mitraphylline, and ryhnchophylline, are researched for their ability to be vasodilators. Vasodilation is the widening of blood vessels allowing for better blood and oxygen flow. This is what can give people the ‘clean energy’ boost.
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Best Kratom Teas: Favorite Kratom Tea Recipes

Kratom herbal tea (Mitragyna speciosa) is a group of tree-like plants that belong to the coffee plant family (Rubiaceae). It has a long history in Southeast Asia, where locals make Kratom tea by brewing leaves of the kratom plant. They use it for various purposes, including support for pain, natural energy and even rest and relaxation.  

In recent years, kratom herbal tea continues to gain more and more popularity in the natural health community for its potential to naturally support occasional pain and to naturally elevate mood. As such, we wanted to share a few of our favorite recipes/ways to help you enjoy our favorite superfood. 

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