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What is the State Level Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA)?

The Kratom Consumer Protection Act (KCPA) is a bill that regulates the kratom industry throughout the United States. The Act addresses the following areas:

  • Manufacturing, distribution, sale, and possession of kratom
  • Manufacturing, distribution, and sale of contaminated or adulterated kratom
  • Any age limits
  • Fines and penalties
  • Testing kratom
  • Labeling kratom products

The purpose of the KCPA is to ensure kratom vendors are only supplying high-quality products that do not contain contaminants. 

Why is KCPA Important?

Most products for consumer use must pass regulations before they are allowed for distribution and sale. Our food has them, as do our drinks. Even pet food has regulations. The regulations are there for consumer protection. 

The KCPA is a bill that aims to show that kratom is safe for consumption when grown, distributed, sold, and consumed correctly. Without these legal processes and legislation, the market would be flooded with dangerous products that put the public at risk. Kratom users all over the United States must feel safe and be safe when using this powerful and amazing superfood. Without the KCPA we could see a huge influx of unregulated, potentially dangerous contaminated kratom in the market. This means our kratom could contain anything.  

When discussing kratom the most important thing is that all kratom users are SAFE. Kratom has been a medicine and a superfood for hundreds of years and needs to be kept that way. Safe, clean, uncontaminated and effective. If kratom is mixed with other potentially dangerous substances everyone suffers. This is why the KCPA is so important. 

Federal Protect Consumer Access to Kratom Act (FPCAK)

The FPCAK was filed in both the House and Senate in December 2022. This is a pinnacle moment for kratom and kratom consumers and a huge step towards the protection of access to kratom for millions of Americans.

As a consumer and supporter of kratom please take a moment and reach out to your local representatives to sponsor and support the FPCAK.

FPCAK vs. State KCPA

Although both the KCPA and the FPCAK are equally important, there are significant differences between the two worth highlighting. The KCPA focuses on common sense kratom regulations such as, proper labeling, sale of pure unadulterated kratom, proper testing of kratom and transparency of lab results, on the other hand the FPACK is a significant effort to secure ALL valid kratom information be available to the public.

 FPCAK supports the kratom industry as a whole and the proper/true kratom information release in the public domain;

 FPCAK addresses Food & Drug Administration (FDA) bias towards kratom, release of wrong, outdated and misinformation about kratom and forces FDA to put out all correct/current information and research on kratom;

 Health & Human Services Committee (HHSC) oversights the FDA and it makes sure ALL current research & best practices published regarding kratom;

 FDA required to be transparent with ALL research on kratom and cannot pick & choose or issue random GAG orders; 

 Stops FDA from abusing regulatory powers and issuing unfair/unnecessary kratom import bans (ie., the intent of the regulatory powers is to issue a ban/alert only when a company/individual does something wrong/illegal NOT random industry bans);

 FDA site to host public forum for public testimony, stories, experiences and suggestions about kratom;

• FPCAK mandates FDA does its job, prevents regulatory abuse and accomplishes FDA designed purpose to Serve the Public and Public Welfare.

Both KCPA and FPCAK are monumental for the kratom community. ETHA Natural Botanicals is a firm supporter of both Acts. We believe that open and objective communication is critical to building trust and succeeding long term. 

Though the botanical industry has taken significant strides forward, it still has much room to improve. When an important organization like FDA abuses or fails at its job this creates corruption, misinformation and an overall danger to the consumers. FPCAK’s mandate that the FDA do its job and to do it well is a huge step towards truth, transparency, active communication, research and further exploration of this amazing and powerful superfood.

We encourage you to please (please) reach out (call/email) to your local representatives to sponsor and support the FPCAK.

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