How to Care for Your Own Kratom Plant

Kratom is a tropical evergreen tree in the coffee family (Rubiaceae) native to Southeast Asia. As a large evergreen tree, kratom can grow upwards of 80 feet tall while producing lustrous leaves and budding flowers. Don’t worry. This does not happen overnight. In fact, you can control how tall and big you want your kratom plant to be with proper care and attention. To start, you can
grow your kratom plant in a small pot and once the roots are pushing through the bottom you can re-pot it to the next size pot. Depending on the climate of the inside and outside of your home, how often you water and fertilize it, will determine how fast or slow your kratom plant grows. If you want your kratom plant to grow wide and not tall, you can cut the top off. Kratom plants split as they grow so when you cut off the top, the kratom plant will expand outward and become wider. If you want your kratom plant to grow into a tall tree, cut off lower branches and shorten branches as they split and grow wide. For a unique “lollipop” look, you can cut off all the bottom branches leaving only the top of your kratom plant/tree.
If you are going to have your kratom plant outdoors, make sure that you have enough room for it to grow. Keep 3-6 feet of space reserved for your kratom tree. Also, kratom is a tropical plant, so it will not survive in places with cold weather. It loves heat and moisture.

For plants and trees in general, dormancy is when the plant decides when to prepare their soft tissue for freezing temperatures, dry weather or nutrient shortage. Because your kratom plant is most likely starting in a new environment like inside your home, different climate, or being fed different soil and nutrients, it will go into dormancy. Instead of exerting energy in growing as fast as they can, your kratom plant will know to conserve energy until the environment improves.
During this time, your kratom plant will not have to be watered as often and it will not push out leaves as often. The focus of your kratom plant will be to survive and return to a stable condition.Keep in mind that even established kratom plants go through a dormant period. The dormant season usually starts when the temperature goes down, usually from Fall to Spring.
Kratom plants are notoriously difficult to propagate. They can be started from seeds or leaf cuttings, and both have relatively low success rates. The seeds have to be very fresh and should be planted in a large group to increase the chances of getting even a single viable seedling. Cuttings are also difficult, as they often fall victim to fungus or they never really grow roots properly. If you do want to propagate cuttings, place each individual cutting in a moistened pot full of peat moss and seal it inside a plastic bag. Keeping the cuttings out of direct sunlight until roots begin to show. Occasionally open the bag to get the plant used to lower humidity, eventually removing the bag and moving it to sunlight. Once the cuttings show about an inch or so of roots you can transfer them into a small pot to grow. You should have a whole new kratom plant from your mother plant.

Taking care of kratom plants is not very difficult and takes little time since they are considered low maintenance plants. Kratom plants are heavy feeders meaning they love moisture and fertilizer. They need to be potted in very fertile soil with plenty of airflow. They are very sensitive to drought so make sure you are regularly watering your kratom plant. Overwatering can occur, but it is rare. If you notice your kratom plant decomposing, you’ve overwatered it. For the most part, give your kratom plant plenty of water, fertilizer, and heat. You’ll have a healthy, beautiful kratom plant for years to come.
ETHA has selected the most hardy variety of kratom plants to share with you. These kratom plants are the easiest to grow with sturdy leaves and strong roots. They are our full spectrum variety with all of the known, measurable alkaloids and MidDay Gold variety for focus and stress support. Kratom plants express alkaloids even at a young age, so you can start enjoying the leaves right away. Enjoy a cup of kratom herbal tea using your own kratom plant.
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